Healing Trauma In An Uncertain World

We can change the world by healing our own pain and trauma. Prejudice, anger, and hatred toward anyone is our own ignorance. If we want equality, love, kindness, and compassion for all Souls we must heal our own trauma, anger, and hatred first. We cannot fight anger and hatred with more anger and hatred. We have heard this throughout history from the great masters and saints that have gone before us. We can only heal anger and hatred with love. This feels difficult to do when we watch others hurting each other. How do we do this? Start by sitting in a quiet place and radiate out of yourself with all your might, like a blazing sunshine, healing, love, and peace for All. If this is really the only answer, wouldn’t you try as hard as you could? Realize we all come from one Divine place. Those who behave with ugliness, hurting others, do not realize this and they have their own pain they haven’t dealt with. We need to pray for them the most to wake up.

In order to remind each other of the truth that we are all One, Equals, we must show by example, the way Christ did, the way Martin Luther King did, the way Ghandi did. This doesn’t mean we don’t speak up for truth and justice. However, we must watch our intention behind all our words and actions. Are our words and actions coming from a healing, loving place for All Souls, even the Souls that act out of ignorance and pain, or are we adding to more ignorance and pain by our hatred for them?

Work on this and get yourself to the place where you can understand everyone. We all can have our own unresolved pain and trauma. Some people take their pain out on others in unimaginable ways, like we have seen lately, and throughout history. Shine out your light of forgiveness and hope as strong as you can, so that we can wake up and see the love and equality within each and everyone. The ones who have lost their way and behave badly need it the most. It’s easy to love a kind soul. It’s the dark souls that need to be conquered with love to burn out their ignorance and turn on their light. Start with lighting up yourself and justice will find a way. 

I have two books that cover these topics with helpful tools.

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Can You Please Talk To My Trauma?

A true story on how to overcome trauma, confusion, stress and heartbreak, and find your greatness.

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Can You Please Talk To My Girlfriend?

Learnings and inspiration about the journey of self-love.

Karlee Holden