
Teresa Rakes - Virgina

Thank you again for discovering my root, love is fear. Without your program and your guidance, I would have never discovered my root cause and be able to got off medications that were making me feel crazy. Thinking about this has brought clarity as to why I stayed in an unhealthy relationship for far too long. The judge gave me a divorce on the grounds of cruelty and dissertation. It embarrassed me to say that out loud.

If I could turn back time, I would have started your program five years ago. The validation and support of just knowing I'm not alone and how to recognize and appreciate what my body is telling me. The "what if "thoughts turning into " how about " we listen, go with in and process this negative energy. Turning the uncertainty into strength.

Completing your program has taught me so much. Your program has encouraged me to write more and start on a book of what God is sharing with me to share with others. My body would not come out of fight or flight mode for months. Since working through your program, my body is relaxing and is in the healing process. I feel lighter since completing your program. I still have work to do to heal and I use skills learned from your program daily. I no longer wake up shaking, have nightmares, sucidal thoughts, my anxiety friend is so much calmer, and I can actually sleep over 7 hours reguardless if I wake up some, what a blessing! The dark thoughts have lessoned and I'm hopeful they are going away. 

What a compliment when your pilates instructor sends you a message to say, "Glad to see you smiling and every time I see you I feel your energy is better." 

I know that I no longer want love to be fear. Thanks to your program, I have the opportunity to consider what love is. An opportunity to create a new pattern. What a blessing! Teresa Rakes

Dr. Peter Abaci, Medical Director

“I have had the pleasure of working with Karlee Holden for several years.  Karlee is a passionate and dedicated healer that has helped thousands of our patients change their lives in positive ways over the years. She is always very personable and insightful when it comes to helping others. Karlee always brings a bright smile to everything she does, and her ability to connect with others on a deeper level helps make her sought after by so many people. She has a special gift for helping others on their journey.”

Bay Area Pain & Wellness Center

Sandra Barrat - United Kingdom

The day I decided to turn my life around and found help and support that was waiting for me, was the day i came across Karlee Holden.

I was going through a very tough time in my life or should i say surviving another day in my life of crippling anxiety. Showing up to the world with a constant smile while my insides were constantly in turmoil. All i can describe my pain body was like a grand pri racing track with sharp edges, stabbing at me, closing in on me, racing around my body my foggy brain, stomach in knots constantly waking up with anxiety and thoughts rushing around my head. I wanted to claw my insides out it was so bad. There was No escape apart from now and then i would catch some silence as i sat with my dog in our garden and the birds would distract me and i was allowed to take a breathe. It was always short lived and i was at the point of i cant do this anymore. I need help but all the councelling and talking wasnt helping it was putting a bandaid on for a few weeks then it would all start up again.

I was physically and mentally exhausted, it was affecting my marriage my children my life was in kaos. I wanted to hide away or worse i started having really dark thoughts. My children and husband mean the world to me and deep down i knew there had to be something out there to help me so i could help my family too. 

I awoke my normal 3 am anixiety morning not sleeping mind racing when i decided to distract myself on fb. I came across a post with a lady and a stroller on it which said something like heal your trauma! i thought what is this? so i checked it out and saw Karlee Holden’s book Can You please talk to my trauma? I went to the internet and looked up the book and Karlee. I thought this is about me, this lady is talking about my anxiety/ trauma. I was intrigued but also scared as im not a fan of social media and a bit scared to reach out on fb. But something made me click that button. Now i was really scared what have I done, omg all these negative thoughts were racing around my head. 

I called a girlfriend of mine who has known me for 30 odd yrs and knows of my anxiety. I asked her to check out Karlee and what i had clicked on. Rachel immediatly checked it out and was very excited, she too is interested in trauma and the body as we both attended college together as massage and complementary therapists. I know you may think then i should know how to cope with stress, but actually the reason i attended all my couses on complementary therapys was to understand myself and see if it would help my anxiety that was back in 1996 and it did help for a long time in small doses. My anxiety was still there simmering. My real issuses were addressing my trauma which i was totally unaware of having. As i got older my anxiety, trauma if you want the voices in my head were getting louder, i couldnt take anymore. So when Karlee gave me that first call i was nervous skeptical unsure as i didnt know this lady, she was calling me!! Her voice was like a soft angel, i could feel my body calming down, my heart rate was slowing up. I started opening up to Karlee like i had known her all my life. i felt safe for the first time in a long time to share my trauma as Karlee explained it to me

Why am i ok chatting to this lady who i have never met before? Karlee understood what i was going through as she has been through it all herself as reading her book you understand. 

The feelings of people thinking im crazy were disappearing. i was normal i just didn’t understand what my inside was trying to tell me. 

I had been stuck in fight or flight for most of my life surviving, fighting to be released from the torture of my body.

I felt a calm come over me, it stayed with me and i learned to understand emotions, triggers and how to be in the moment and enjoy my life again or really for the first time since being an innocent child playing outside in the world with no fear or of being scared. 

I completed Karlee’s program within a few months.  It dosen’t stop there. We are learning everyday and with the guidance and support of Karlee’s ongoing classes and the group i feel free. Im listening to my triggers and implementing boundaries. Our body’s and minds  are amazing we just have to tap into it and understand the workings and the root of our pain patterns. We are born free from anxiety so we are capable of living this way too. I am grateful for everyday when i open my eyes not at 3 am but 7am knowing i’ve slept well, my body is calm my mind is calm. I love it.

 I am so truly grateful to Karlee for being there for me that day when i was at my lowest, im truly grateful for her knowledge and guidance and she has guided me through some tough days. Im truly gratefull to the support of the group knowing im not alone and there is always someone there who understands. Thank you for enlightening me and giving me the tools to be the strong person i am today. Love always Sandra Barratt

Anngie Bulan - Romania

In these days and age where we have access from anything and everything from the internet, social media and newsfeeds, we must choose wisely who can we trust to help us heal our trauma and and life issues, problems, everyday struggles and daily pressures. My trauma which I thought had been buried or forgotten recently came back because of my recent LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHI. I have seen, read and researched so many so called self help tools or gurus, trainers, coach, doctors online but KARLEE caught my attention from Facebook feeds. I then liked her posts and she started to reach out which nobody had done before. I joined her Program The Holden Release Method and started her modules and immediately I felt different and started understanding what am I feeling that my body is telling me. The modules are more on making our body and nervous system connect together and to understand each other rather than just all talks and theories that just deal with our mind but not our bodies. Now, I am more aware when I don't feel good and I immediately will talk to my body to deal with the issue. Now, instead of overthinking and over analyzing the problem I’m dealing with, I talk to mybody do the teachings of Karlee and I have more clarity on how to deal the current problem. So healing now takes shorter time than before and also instead of burying it deep in ourselves the traumas and issues we had, we can deal with it and let it out and give it out to the universe and just take in the positive energy. So fixing it from the inside will eventually fix the problems we have outside. I’m still slowly healing but Karlee has been very supportive and she is there to support me always. Thank you Anngie Bula

Gloria Herdt - Boston

Working with Karlee was such a beautiful experience. Karlee is kind and gentle with a joyful spirit that just lights up a room. It was like having a dear friend walking alongside you, holding your hand, and supporting you throughout every step of a challenging journey. If you've ever been afraid to let go of past painful experiences, with Karlee as your guide, you'll feel like you can do anything. The Holden Release Program and somatic tools have such a unique healing experience and I recommend it to anyone who is looking to take back their power, discover their true self, and live with greater ease and well being.  When you are diving deep into your past and working with your body and mind to transform those traumatic experiences into something empowering, you want to have a strong and compassionate guide by your side - Karlee was that person for me and I am forever grateful for all of the love and wisdom that she shared with me.

With gratitude,


Connie Larsen - California

This is for all the sweet souls that are struggling with trauma, both big and small. You are not alone. I use to think I had it all handled. I stuffed my trauma down like a Thanksgiving dinner. Unfortunately, there came a point where I was full. I couldn't swallow one more bite. My body began to shut down. I stopped sleeping. I over indulged in food. I'd have panic attacks at two in the morning. Leaving my house, socialization, simple tasks, would all bring me great anxiety. My health was deterioriating. I tried to hide it. It didn't work. I knew I needed help.

I reached out to Karlee after seeing her on FB. I signed up for her program and got straight to work. There were many tears, realizations, and overwhelming moments. However, I realized I was overwhelmed because I was trying to work through the program too quickly. Give yourself a few days between modules. It helps tremendously. Allow your nervous system a chance to rest. Then continue. Once I did this, it was amazing how much I learned and the traumas that I healed.

When I was finished, I was hungry for more! I liked healing my traumas. But I have so many. And I only worked through a few of them. Now what? Well, that's where Karlee's amazing kindness and expertise come into play. I get to keep the program, and I can do it as many times as I need to! I'm doing it again, and new surpressed traumas are popping up for me to work through. It's incredible! Also, you get a one on one coaching calls and live weekly classes with Karlee. So if you get stuck or have questions, she can guide and help you.

The program wakes you up and teaches you, but it also plants a seed in your nervous system. For the past few weeks, I have been resolving my traumas in my sleep. One night it was as if I were writing my life story over. I was the narrator, and reading my memoir while watching every trauma unfold from childhood. As it unfolded, I noticed the traumas changed. I had a voice, and I used it. Patterns began to make more sense. I re-wrote my past in my sleep! I woke up feeling relieved. It felt so real. I did get stuck at one point in my dream. And that showed me that I need to do some more healing work in that area. I'm okay with that.

I am so, so grateful for this program. If you are on the fence about signing up, take a leap of faith. Go for it! You owe it to yourself and everyone around you to be happy, healed, and living your best life.

"I have worked with Karlee for about a year now. She has a unique gift of being able to bridge the mind-body gap and help us realize how our emotional state can affect our somatic body tissues. At our first session she helped me to release tension I had been carrying in my chest (feeling like its hard to take a deep breathe). I had been holding that tension unconsciously for years and she cured it within five minutes. And she gave me tools to increase my awareness of these tensions throughout my body. I thank her for the work she does and feel it is a vital part of our being human."

dr. Brant Pedersen, DC, CCSP, Positive Motion Health

"It was the best choice I made for myself & family and it was so easy! Karlee has empowered me with the necessary tools to change my life for the better and in turn make the people in my life happier too. It's amazing what a session with Karlee did for me. She has helped me see things that were there all along. For the first time in my life I can lessen my stress and its effects and focus on living a better life. Thank you for enriching my life and helping me see that things don't need to continue the way they are...my life is changing and I'm so happy!"

Annette Ivanko, Realtor

San Francisco Bay Area

“I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. You've opened my eyes to so many possibilities, not only as far as wellness, but life as a whole. I plan to practice wellness every day and meditate to your guided mediations as often as I can. I love your bubbly-ness and enthusiasm about getting "well" that you brought to class every day. I always looked forward to seeing you. I will keep in touch and update you as much as possible or as I pass more and more milestones in my life.” 

Me ke aloha pumehana


“I want to say thank you so much for helping me understand myself better.  It has truly changed my life.” 

love ya.  


“Thank you for sharing with me, as well as with so many others who will benefit from your experiences and knowledge.  You are a special person, with so much to give.  You really have added a great deal of richness to my life.  I look forward to connecting in person soon.”

Chas edelstein

“Karlee, you are a true blessing! Since meeting you, I know now that I am not alone is this crazy world with these crazy feelings that you are helping me to release in a healthy way.  As I am sitting here typing this I have tears falling down my face.  Not because I'm sad, but because you're teaching me how to release the sorrow that i hold within, which once had ahold of me.

You're a remarkable woman and have so much to give. I thank God every day that you found my broken soul and are able to make it whole again. I truly love you and your free spirit.  Hold on to that, because you are using all that you are to help people like me.”

Crystal Logan

“I have been meeting with Karlee in group sessions and one-on-one's for less than 6 months since my injury.

 Before Karlee's teaching, I literally felt like I had a hummingbird buzzing around inside of me.  My pain, a phone call, a letter, or something I saw or heard would trigger this sensation in my body.  Sometimes I would cry, I would hyperventilate and feel like I was losing control, sometimes I would rock to make it stop.  I felt like I lost 5 pounds, really, after one of those episodes.

Since, working with Karlee, I still have the pain and triggers but, because of her teaching me how to work with them, they are becoming less and less by the day.

She has taught me techniques like awareness and breathing, something I seriously did not do all the time. She demonstrates in ways that are simple.  She also has taught me not to fight the bad feelings, to find out where they are coming from and let them pass.  By doing this, I feel more grounded, and the pain and bad feelings don't last as long.

Also, being able to go to Karlee's website anytime or day and read her blogs when I am having that "out of control" feeling is comforting to me and a reminder for me to practice what she has taught me in our sessions.

From what I have seen, with others working with Karlee, and experienced on my own, Karlee is not only a teacher with tools and techniques, she has a sincere love and compassion for all.  I say all, because I really believe that.  I believe she takes her work with her everywhere she goes.  

Karlee truly has a gift for teaching.  I am thankful for Karlee and for what I have learned from her.  She really, truly has helped me.  I am looking forward to learning more from Karlee and becoming a nicer, calmer person.”

mandy moore

“From the moment I met Karlee at an author event in Philly, PA she showed care and concern for my wellbeing. That meeting led to working with her on a one-on-one basis. Karlee was very skilled at helping me to listen, actually listen, to my body, without judgement. With her guidance she walked me through traumas that had been unconsciously affecting my personal interactions and business decisions. 

I now spend time almost daily practicing that same kind of self-love and patience with the process. I'm seeing changes and movement towards my goals. My wife and I have paid off 4 of our credit cards and have saved $10,000. I've started a business and have written a book (hard for someone with ADD) and I can still feel the support and love that just flows from Karlee. I'm grateful to have met her and to have been healed by Karlee.”

Ryan Mendenhall

Utah, 37

“I have known Karlee Holden since 2011 during the Executive Program at Stanford University. From the moment I saw her for the first time, I found her very special. Karlee is balanced, profound and focused.  There were more people around us at the time, but her energy was more powerful, Karlee really has the ability of giving love unconditionally to anyone who has the luck of being around her.  Being around her enables you to feel her peaceful heart and spirit, which happens to be filled only with good adjectives.  Positive thinking and reaching for endless happiness are Karlee's main goals in life for others to find, in my opinion." 

Ibsen Ramenzoni, CEO at Acrescente Embalagens SA, Brazilian Packaging Co and Board Member at Ampara Animal

Sao Paulo , Brazil 43 years old.

“Karlee provided such a soothing and safe space for me that I was able to come back to my true self after decades of trauma.”

Lexi Gulesserian

“My name is Anthony Campisi, I am 38 and work for CET Systems in in Mesa, AZ. I met Karlee at the Bay Area Pain and Wellness Center. I started working with Karlee in November of 2012 and I was angry, sad, depressed and hurt both emotionally and physically. I worked with her weekly for 8 months (YOU GOTTA DO THE WORK) and at the end of those 8 months I went from 210lbs & unemployed to being in school, employed, 180lbs and a new relationship. I truly think the world of Karlee and I am forever grateful. So I say this from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU KARLEE.

Keep an open mind and an open heart and you'd be amazed at what changes you can make if you’re willing to do the work. Karlee is AWESOME!!! 

“I am Josh, a mechanical engineer living in the Bay Area, who first came to Karlee in 2014.  At the time, I was recently divorced and was struggling with symptoms including poor anger management, trust issues, and depression.  

Karlee taught me a lot, and, what I learned reduced my symptoms. Like any great teacher, she first showed me the path, then, showed me how to walk the path myself.  I have never met another counselor who went on to show me how to help myself.

I will be back for more help from Karlee.  With each session I learn, improve and grow.  Most importantly, I feel like I can take the lessons of each session and apply them myself.

I recommend Karlee's counseling with all my heart.”